Together, let's make the city shine!

Together, let's make the city shine!
Together, let's make the city shine!

One strategy
14 goals

For a sustainably cleaner region

Consultation and cooperation between the Region and the municipalities

Strengthen operational collaboration between institutional actors in charge of urban cleanliness

Reduction of fly-tipping in public spaces

Reduction of littering

Reduction of discarded cigarette butts

Improved presentation of rubbish bags for collections

Public actors setting an example on the environment

 Prepare for the city of the future in terms of urban planning and infrastructure promoting cleanliness

Effective communication to encourage good cleanliness practices in public spaces

Participation: participation and involvement of the public to improve urban cleanliness

Education in good urban cleanliness practices and respect for the environment

Use of fines or alternative penalties to reduce anti-social behaviour

Reduction of waste production by businesses and shops

Involvement of the business sector in preventing littering

1. Regional-municipal consultation

Consultation and cooperation between the Region and the municipalities

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2. Operational collaboration

Strengthen operational collaboration between institutional actors in charge of urban cleanliness

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3. Fly-tipping

Reduction of fly-tipping in public spaces

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4. Litter

Reduction of littering

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5. Cigarette butts

Reduction of discarded cigarette butts

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6. Presentation of rubbish bags

Improved presentation of rubbish bags for collections

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7. Setting an example

Public actors setting an example on the environment

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8. Tomorrow’s city

 Prepare for the city of the future in terms of urban planning and infrastructure promoting cleanliness

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9. Effective communication

Effective communication to encourage good cleanliness practices in public spaces

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10. Citizen participation

Participation: participation and involvement of the public to improve urban cleanliness

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11. Education for all

Education in good urban cleanliness practices and respect for the environment

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12. Prevention and enforcement

Use of fines or alternative penalties to reduce anti-social behaviour

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13. Reduced waste production

Reduction of waste production by businesses and shops

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14. Participation in litter prevention

Involvement of the business sector in preventing littering

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Public authorities
  • Improving the living environment and attractiveness of the Brussels-Capital Region 
  • Improving the environment and biodiversity
  • A common action plan
  • A new form of governance
  • A culture of assessment
  • Co-constructed with all the actors concerned
  • Rooted in the reality of life in Brussels
  • With input from behavioural psychology studies
  • Visible on the ground
  • Positive effects on community life
  • An environment that is more pleasant and healthy

A long-term plan

  • Launch of multi-stakeholder working groups for the co-construction of the strategy
  • Assessment of public cleanliness policies
  • Insights from behavioural science in order to understand positive and negative cleanliness behaviours
  • Citizen consultation and participatory forums
  • Drafting of the strategic plan
  • Calls for cleanliness-related projects to the municipalities
  • Adoption by the Brussels Government of the strategic plan
  • Implementation of concrete actions
  • Annual monitoring of progress on the strategic plan
  • Ongoing evaluation of urban cleanliness indicators
  • Updating of the strategic plan while holding course on making Brussels cleaner on a permanent basis

Everyone has a role to play

The cleanest city is not the city that is cleaned the most, but the city that is made the least dirty. 

Cleanliness is therefore the concern of all users and all managers of public space in the Brussels Region.

Emblematic measures

In the « » strategy, 15 measures are identified as emblematic because they are highly impactful or innovative, promote the taking of responsibility, or encourage better coordination between operational actors.